ACLU Baby Bib
Our classic tote is the perfect way to show your support for the ACLU while carrying groceries, textbooks, or maybe even some extra pocket constitutions.
Learn more about how to get involved.
Good & roomy, without being TOO large! Also glad it's a dark color, so stains and dirt aren't as visible.
Would've preferred the current ACLU Logo, however, over the simple serif-font type.
Leads to conversations with strangers about the ACLU. It is surprising how many people do not know the great work the ACLU does.
I was delivered in reasonable time and in good shape.
I like the tote bag
Frankly, the last thing I needed was another darned tote bag. But that's beside the point.This is to benefit a cause that's dear to my heart. To my knowledge, my own civil rights have not been violated. However, the blatant injustices that are so commonplace is the U.S. make me sick sick sick! I don't have much money, but I give what I can to the noblest cause on the planet.
I like it because it is a simple yet public display of my values. The first time I used them at the supermarket, both the cashier and the bagger made positive comments.