The right to free expression includes the freedom to read and learn, free from viewpoint-based censorship. Classroom censorship bills and book bannings directly violate this right. It must stop.
The right to free expression includes the freedom to read and learn, free from viewpoint-based censorship. Classroom censorship bills and book bannings directly violate this right. It must stop...
The right to free expression includes the freedom to read and learn, free from viewpoint-based censorship. Classroom censorship bills and book bannings directly violate this right. It must stop.
The right to free expression includes the freedom to read and learn, free from viewpoint-based censorship. Classroom censorship bills and book bannings directly violate this right. It must stop...
Calling everyone who loves books and the First Amendment: Wear your rights on your sleeve, tote bag, jacket, or anywhere.
For nearly 100 years, we have opposed censorship in all its...